(b. 1998)
Multimedia Artist | Interaction Designer | Storyboard Artist
王歆童,女,新媒体艺术家,现工作生活于北京。2020年本科毕业于中央美术学院设计学院数字媒体艺术方向,硕士毕业于Parsons Design & Technology方向,现为央美当代艺术创作与研究方向博士研究生。王歆童的创作以沉浸式叙事影像、投影装置和动画为主,其作品往往起源于个人生活体验和社会观察,并使用技术手段将观察所得和荒诞想象进行可视化呈现。影像类作品曾入围Supernova Digital Animation Festival等电影节,设计类作品曾获红点奖、成功设计奖。
Xintong is a multimedia artist and designer mainly working within the VR, visual arts, installation and technology. As a human being who enjoys dwelling on earth very much, she regards life as a sandbox game, and creates works based on life experience and her own interests. Her work ranges from many different fleids, mostly focusing on creating bizarre visual experiences with emerging technologies.
2016 BFA, Art Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts 中央美术学院, Beijing, China
2020 MFA, Design & Technology, PARSONS, NY, United States
2022 PHD, 当代艺术创作与研究,Central Academy of Fine Arts 中央美术学院, Beijing, China
2022 - , Artist
2021 - 2022, Alibaba, Creative Designer
- VR online exhibition for Song Art Museum
2020, Beijing Tiger Entertainment & Media Co., Ltd. ,Storyboard Artist
- Provided storyboards for scenes assigned in film Samayou Yaiba (Unreleased)
2019, Emperor Motion Pictures, Animator & Scene Designer
- Participated in the film projects The Rookies (2019) from conceptualization to the finished products
- Assisted in the development of animated assets and effects of scenes
2019, FAW Car Co., Ltd., Motion Graphic Designer
- Developed graphics and illustrations for regional projects
- Supervised the video motion graphic design for animation and event promo
2018, Lighthouse International Charity Film Festival, Curator
- Designed displays and exhibits
2024, 第二届北京艺术与科技双年展|北京|启皓艺术中心
2024, 日常的递归|山西|苹果坏了
2024,“汇创青春”新媒体艺术国际赛获奖作品展览|上海 | Pigeon Theater Presents
2024,新世代游戏 New Generation Games铭文新展|线上|Pigeon Theater Presents
2024,新青年实验艺术双年展 New Youth Experimental Art Biennale|Jiangxi 江西景德镇|苹果坏了
2023, 红点奖 Red Dot Winner 2023|Berlin|Civilization in Archaeology
2023, GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2023|Tokyo|Civilization in Archaeology
2023,成功设计大奖|Beijing北京|Civilization in Archaeology
2022, 2022 Supernova Digital Animation Festival in Denver|Colorado | Lair
2022, Echos, New York | Pigeon Theater Presents
2021, The Hyper Board + Block:751 International Design Festival 2021 Exhibition | Beijing, China | 微纺织
2020, BAM! Festival, Texas, United States | DevilFish
2020, Sylhet Film Festivall, DevilFish
2020, Living Skies Student Film Festival | Regina, Canada | DevilFish
2020, Sylhet Film Festivall|DevilFish
2019, Lift-Off Filmmaker Sessions|DevilFish
2018, “艺·在生活”艺术设计展|Beijing 北京|窗外